SPE Automotive Award 2024

© plastverarbeiter.de
This is the favorite of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Josef Endres, IKK

Prof. Endres: “This year's SPE Award Night marks the third time that there has been a special award category for more sustainable components, the so-called ‘Sustainability Award’. This year, the seat cover from BMW, Aunde Achter & Ebels and Tuchfabrik W. Schmitz stands out for me, especially because attention was paid to a sustainable, recyclable design and the integration of recyclates right from the start of the life cycle. The use of polyester monomaterial for both the cover and the fixation and seam material facilitates high-quality closed-loop recycling, in which a new seat cover can be produced from the used seat cover at the end.”

Read the full article at https://www.plastverarbeiter.de/markt/wer-wurde-mit-dem-spe-automotive-award-2024-praemiert-630.html.