Institute of Plastics and Circular Economy News
New pathways, strategies, business and communication models for bioplastics as a building block of a sustainable economy

New pathways, strategies, business and communication models for bioplastics as a building block of a sustainable economy

© Philipp Oldewurtel

Within the framework of the BMBF-Joint Research Project ''New pathways, strategies, business and communication models for bioplastics as a building block of a sustainable economy'' (BiNa), which was coordinated by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Josef Endres, a book summarizing the core research results of this project has just been published. This book titled ‘Biokunststoffe unter dem Blickwinkel der Nachhaltigkeit und Kommunikation’ (Bioplastics from the sustainability and communication perspective) shows how valuable and important the sustainability assessment is, for the bioplastics and how the results of such assessment can be interpreted and communicated to the public. The book also analyzes the public perception of bioplastics among consumers. This book is now available as Softcover and E-book at Springer Publications

Further Information about the book (currently available only in German) at:

Background information on the BiNa Project (Both in English and German) at: