On 16 April, various original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), commercial vehicle suppliers, material suppliers, disposal companies and associations met at the IKK for an expert discussion on the End-of-Life Vehicle Ordinance (ELV). These included Audi, BMW, Hyundai, Volkswagen, Volkswagen, Continental, Grammer, Pöppelmann, Yanfeng, BASF, Trinseo, Remondis and TecPart.
After the antitrust briefing, Prof Hans-Josef Endres (IKK) and Frank Stammer (TecPart) gave keynote speeches on EU policy, recycling standards and objectives, followed by Mike Herbig (Audi) and Timo Unger (Hyundai) on the significance of the ELV Regulation for the automotive industry. Further discussions focussed on the remaining gaps in the definition of the regulation and, in addition to recycling, other R-strategies (repair, reuse, refurbish, etc.) as possible solutions. A further ELV expert discussion is planned for autumn at the IKK, which will focus in particular on recycling.