UltraScan VIS Spectrophotometer / FMS Jansen GmbH & Co. KG HunterLab

© FMS Jansen GmbH & Co. KG HunterLab

Short description: The UltraScan VIS spectrophotometer measures colour in reflection as well as colour and haze in transmission. The optical resolution of 10 nm enables precise colour measurement across the entire visible spectrum from 360 nm to 780 nm. The internal xenon flash lamp is adapted to the ideal D65 standard light.

Samples: Plastics (granulates, powders, flakes, flat test specimens), pastes and liquids

Applications: Ageing behaviour and colouring of plastics, quality control

Technical data
Measuring principle Dual-beam spectrophotometer
Geometry Diffus/8°
Gloss percentage automatic gloss trap for measurements with gloss inclusion (RSIN) and gloss exclusion (RSEX)
Spectral range 360 to 780 nm
Light source Xenon flash lamp, filtered for D65 approximation
Transmission mode Total (TTRAN) and regular (RTRAN) transmission
Conformity to standards

Reflection: CIE No. 15, ISO7724/1, ASTM E 1165, DIN 5033 Part 7 and JIS Z 8722 Condition C
Transmission: CIE No. 15, ASTM E 1164 and DIN 5033 Part 7, others on request