Dr. rer. nat. Vui Nghi Dang
Titelverleihende Universität: Leibniz Universität Hannover
Kooperation: Hochschule Hannover
Titel des Promotionsvorhabens: Sensoric Functionalisation of (Bio-)Polymers
(Sensorische Funktionalisierung von (Bio-)Polymeren)
Kurzbeschreibung des Promotionsvorhabens: This research project BioFunc has been set up to functionalise polymers and biopolymers by taking new chemical approaches in order to gain sensoric properties. The BioFunc is achieved by covalent or non-covalent linkage of stimuli-responsive sensoric compounds to the biopolymers. The aim of BioFunc is to establish a scientific basis for innovative medical or materials engineering applications. Base on this, the development of forgery-proof materials (product protection of plastic components, certificates and diplomas, etc.) could be promising approaches.